Panther Facts

Keen sense of hearing and sight

Solitary animals

Extremely agile - can leap up to 20 feet

Sharp Claws

Strong Jaws

Facts about the Size of Male Panthers

Fully grown they reach the height of 7 to 8 feet

An adult weighs between 100 and 250 pounds

Description of Panthers

The Panther is described as a large, powerful, carnivorous mammal ( Felis concolor ) of the family Felidae - a wild cat. The panther isPanther similar to the leopard usually having an unmarked tawny body. Black panthers can be described as an unspotted leopards with dark brown hair and very sharp emerald eyes. Their hind legs are larger than the front legs on a long body and neck with a small head, short face a long tail.

Scientific names of animals

The scientists who study animals (zoology) are called zoologists. Each animal that is studied is classified, that is, split into descriptive groups starting with main groups ( vertebrates and invertebrates ) the Families of animals are also included such as Ursidae ( the family of bears) and the families are then split into species such as Ursus americanus (American Black Bear).

Panthers - other names

Panthers are known be several regional names such as:

Facts about where Panthers live and what they eat!

Panthers are native to Asia, America and Africa

The common habitat is the coniferous and tropical forests, swamps or grassland The diet of Panthers, being a carnivore, consists of large mammals, including deer but they also eat smaller animals including rabbits and birds.

Basic Facts about Panthers

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Some fascinating information & facts about the words that are often used to describe animals! Read the facts and information and decide how Panthers should be described!

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